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Episode 1 written by Jon 28/5/2002
It was early one Wednesday morning the sun had not yet risen and the big cities inhabitance were some five hours from waking, when there was a sharp knock on the door.
Startled I jumped to my feet spilling my now cold tea and probably staining a small rug on the hard tiled floor.
The sleep had made me forget why I was sitting there and the knock had left me with a horrible feeling of terror, the kind you get when waking from a nightmare... I made my way to the door tying the tasseled chord of my robe.
Episode 2 written by Bob. 18/6/2002
Who at this hour of the morning ,could possibly be knocking at the door. Perhaps I had imagined it? For the third night now, I found myself waking to the sound of the door... Sleeping was difficult, my head always full of thoughts.. Perhaps the knocking had only been... I listened again...
Episode 3 written by Meral (18) 29/6/2002
As I listened, I realised there was no sound. Had I imagined it? A loud crash from the kitchen shook me again as I instinctively walked over to the kitchen window. A pigeon on the sill met my gaze for a few seconds, then flew away. Disappointed at losing the birds company, I Glanced at the kitchen floor. The last of Penny's belongings was now in tiny pieces. I couldn't help but think the house may never have the same again. I reached for the dustpan and brush from the cupboard and bent down to sweep up the pieces of the small blue vase and noticed a... an old yellowed envelope...
Episode 4 written by Natalie 8/7/2002
I reached across and carefully tore one end open. First it appeared empty. I took hold of the unopened end and shook it gently. A piece of paper slipped out. Closer I looked, discovering a photograph had slipped out. A photograph of a woman with eyes that looked straight through me, into my soul. Eyes that had seen events that no person should see. The eyes seemed to belong to a ghost from my past...
Episode 5 written by Fatma 16/7/2002
I suddenly felt strangely tired, my body with an aloof feeling suddenly began to rise. Rise high up in the room. My entire body was now being swept up into the air. Rising high my head knocked the ceiling hard. I felt no pain and with a trembling voice I whispered, "What's going on?" everything began to stir, my mind turned blurry, my vision blacked out. Frightened and confused, I felt my body take a hard spin and sail out of the house again...
All of a sudden I heard the familiar whispers surrounding me.
"I'm taking you somewhere, where you'll discover your real past" the voice haunting, loud and deafening. I was not in control, my body sailing through the night's chill air...
Episode 7 written by Will 5/8/2002
Faster and faster I went, the air whistling by and then... nothing but empty foot steps on a tiled floor echoed towards me. Soft at first, then louder and louder... then nothing. I felt a warm hand on shoulder. I opened my eyes to a blinding light that softened as blinked several times. "How do you feel?" said a matter of fact voice? "Do you know where you are?" I tried to speak... my mouth moved, nothing came out. I felt comfortable. The voice spoke again, this time with more warmth. "Welcome back, we missed you, much has changed since you were last with us, while you get your thoughts together you can rest in your usual way, we have your room ready"
I opened my eyes clearly to a red and blue sign reading... Top Secret!