Do women still want men to open doors for them?
Who is the most attractive woman or man?
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The voting so far...
63% yes 37% No
Pamela Anderson, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Tom Berlingson, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman
Previous weeks...
s Soy Milk better than Cow Milk?
40% yes 60% No
What is your favorite hot drink?
Coffee, Milo, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Cappuccino
Is it time we gave Steve "The Croc Hunter" Irwin a break?
Yes 45% No 55%
What does J.I.M. stand for?
Jon's imaginative mates, Jon's invisible mates, Jon's incredible mates, Jon's intoxicated mates
Is it okay to give money as a Christmas present?
75% yes 25% no
What is a good Aussie name for Santas new Reindeer?
Boomer, Phar Lap, Digger, Bruce, bazza, Shazza, Goodcheer, jon lewis, Retrenched
Should Men still open doors for ladies? Yes 86% No 14%
Who is the Greatest Australian?
John Flynn (Flying Doctor), C Y Oconnor, Matilda, Sir Donald Bradman, Nicole Kidman, John Farnam, Slim Dusty, The one who opens doors for ladies!
Who is the most attractive movie star?
Michelle Pfeiffer, Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Denzel Washington, Sean Connery, Damian Monkhorst, Demi Moore, Judy Davis, Jodie Foster, Miss Piggy, Edward Norton, Jennifer Jones, David Hasslehoff (Knightrider)
Is it okay to flirt if you are married? Yes 12% No 88%
Should your car be removed if you are a bad driver? Yes 83% No 17%
Should our troups come back home now? Yes 35% No 75%
Should the USA invade Iraq without the United Nations approval? Yes 15% No 85%
Should we have a speed camera in the Northbridge Tunnel? 60% yes 40% no
Should more money have gone into the latest Defense Budget? 60%no 40%yes
Should local councils run Police Services as suggested under a federal plan? 75%yes 25%no
Should the new railway line be sunk between the Narrows Bridge and Northbridge? 65% yes 35% no
Should asylum seekers be paid to return? 50%no 50%yes
Should mobile phones be banned all together in cars? 60%no 40%yes
Should the sale of cheap petrol be outlawed to save the small business? 72% no 28% yes
Should John Howard resign over the boat people/children overboard issue? 70% no 30% yes
Should the Woomera detention centre be closed down? 90%no 10%yes
Are you happy to pay an extra 10% for weekend dinning? 85%no 15%yes
Should we permit "Designer Babies"? 71% no 29% yes
Will you miss Sale of the Century? 82% no 18% yes
Is 50kmh good for you? 57% Yes 42% No