Good Ideas
Just ask the J.I.M.s (Jon's Internet Mates) and come back soon for the solutions! (Usually takes a few days)
My name...
Here's my question/solution...

Hi Jon

Your windows problem? try this it might work:


> Ok you start off by double clicking on 'My Computer'

> Then double click on 'Local Disk (C:)'

> Then double click on 'Program Files'

> Find the windows media meda player file

> Right click it then click delete

> Also delete it from your program list on the start menu by going to start

then programs find windows media player then right click it and press delete

>Empty the recycle bin and Restart your computer



Ray, From London


You can remove Windows media by doing the following
Go to Start / Run, Type in RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\Windows\INF\wmp.inf,Uninstall

Hi Jon
As a reply to the Question about Windows 98SE. It is not possible to remove

Windows Media Player as its functions control audio in Windows. The are some

programs availible on the internet that get rid of the actuall program files

and leave underlying controls but that would not really change anything.


Hi Jon,
I have 2 questions to ask you and your listeners.1. why do manufacturers make head cleaners for cassette players,when technicians say they are bad to use,because they scratch and wear the heads away,also why do manufactures make lens cleaners for cd and dvd players ,when the technicians say they scratch the lazer? How do I get smoke stains off painted walls?

Regards DON.

How do I stop the ants in pantry?

Hi Jon,
Just thought I'd ask you to ask your many expert computer listeners out there if they could help me please.

I have just installed Win98SE on my computer.

As a part of the installation, Windows Media Player (version 6.01) is installed.

I now want to uninstall it, but I can't find it in the Add/Remove Program Properties Install/Uninstall list.

I can only think that WMP is a part of the Windows Components (Windows Setup tab). If so, EXACTLY which component do I uninstall?


Many thanks to you and and your listeners...

Regards Simon

Some web sites about Collins Class Submarines:


Hi George, a few good places are Gilkison dance studio and the Sheraton loby Lounge. The Palace in Northbridge is good too on a Sunday. Sara

Hi Jon and everyone,

I was just wondering where the best place to go for a dance on a friday and saturday night, both for singles and couples.

Thank you. George

Has anyone a recipe for Mulberry Jam please ?? Jane

G/day guys great show
Dave I'm having problems with defragmenting my comp.It starts defragmenting

then just completes 3% before restarting.

Any thoughts on the matter

Regards Gary

H i Jon, this is the recipe for Colleen re Arthritis .
Mix equal parts of :

carb soda

epsom salts

ground ginger

tartaric acid.


Put together in a jar, getting rid of any lumps. Every morning, first thing,

ie before your morning cuppa or breakfast. - put a little bit of the

mixture - enough to cover a 5c piece in a glass, withv some warm water and

drink. Apparently it could be some weeks before you notice any difference.

Take care



My tentant spit red cordial on cream carpet appox within the last 3 months, the carpet were steamed cleaned but didnt remove




1 cup household bleach

1 cup white vinegar


Fill dishwasher with all your dirty dishes. DO NOT put any silver, aluminum

or brass in the washer with this method. Put a bowl in the bottom of the

dishwasher. Pour household bleach into the bowl. Run through the washing

cycle, but do not dry. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Fill bowl again with white vinegar

and let the dishwasher go through the entire cycle. This will remove all

film not only from your glasses, but from your dishwasher, too.






3 tablespoons ammonia

1 tablespoon white vinegar

3/4 cup water

2 drops blue food coloring



And for the fisherman




Mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup cornmeal and 10 tablespoons of thick molasses. Mix

into stiff dough and roll into bait balls. Drop into boiling water. Boil 10

minutes. Remove and drop into cold water.





Bring a pint of sweet milk to a boil. Add 3 tablespoons salt. Heat until

milk starts to foam, and add enough cornmeal until the mixture is thick and

tough enough to stay on the hook. You can add bits of cotton to hold it





Pest control





4 parts borax

2 parts flour

1 part cocoa powder


Mix; sprinkle where pets and children cannot get to it.





3 cups water

4 teaspoons boric acid

2 cups granulated sugar


Mix, then pour half a cup of the mixture into three or four empty jam jars

wrapped with masking tape and loosely packed half full with absorbent

cotton. Smear the bait along the outside of the jar and set along ant trail.

The ants will swarm into the jar. Some will carry the mixture back to the

colony, where it will kill other ants.


CAUTION: If you have small children or pets, screw the lids onto the jars,

poke several small holes through the lid and smear some of the bait on the

inside of the jar.


Kind regards Graham


Hello Jon.
There are people who are partly or fully housebound out there . Is there a site where one could contact another with simular interests and email each other ? Or is it to difficult or risky to make ones email no, public.? Janet.

To prevent milo going hard in the tin keep the tin in the freezer.Saves hard and wasted milo.


"Elizabeth, when your computer 'freezes', if it is a Macintosh you hold down Command and Option and Escape together. You are then given the option to quit the program or link that's causing the problem. It will then suggest you start up the computer again (a good idea to do so).
Not so sure how it works on PC's . As last resort, turn off power and reboot.


Thanks for a great programme and good company after midnight! Warm regards, Noella


Breakfast for Ants
I would never have believed this one had I not seen it myself! We had a bunch of ants gathered at the edge of our sidewalk garage area, and a friend suggested getting rid of them by feeding them oatmeal. They'd eat it, the oatmeal would expand, and they'd die. This way there would be no smell or chemicals around for children or pets. So, my 4-year-old daughter and I poured oatmeal on the ground for them. Yep, next morning, nearly every ant was dead. Who'd have thought? Ellen

Kaye, try the photo shop on the corner of Albany Highway and King George street in Vic Park I'm sure he can help you but I have no idea of the cost

I,m looking for the web site to view inside collins submarines etc.?


Hi Jon,

I hope you don't mind me emailing you with a question/problem but I just

had a thought, and seeing that I am listening to you while I am working on

our computer parts/peripherals catalogue to be put up on our web page, I

thought, I might put the following question to you and then if you don't

know the answer, I was wondering if you may be able to put the question to

your other listeners who may be able to point me in the right direction.


I have had and still got (hopefully the moths haven't got to them and/or

they haven't deteriorated just by sitting there in a box) some home movies

that were done years ago before my parents passed away and I lost contact

with the rest of my family due to greed on their part with regards to my

parents will (that's a long and very traumatic story).


What I was hoping to get advice on, is, I would like to get the home movies

which are on "Super 8" film and get them put onto a few video cassettes or

even better on cd.


I was wondering if you or your kind listeners would know of anyone in the

Perth metro area who could do this for me at a reasonable price. I can't

afford to pay too much as I am on the Disability Support Pension. I would

have to find out the price and then save the money up.


The only other way that I can think of to view some pictures of my late

parents is to try and buy a secondhand movie projector (if you can still

buy them) like the one that my so-called brothers stole from me. So as you

can tell, I have the movies but no way to view them.


I would dearly love to view the movies as I don't have any other pictures

of my parents, thanks to my so-called brothers stealing the suitcase of

photo's that I had.


Hope you can help me. :)





The phone number or address
to contact Patrick.

He is a computer man who comes onto Jons show earlie in the morning.Thanks Frances


I'm a senior, and not very good with the computer ... when my mouse freezes and the arrow won't move, and I can't click... what can I do ?

To get the red cordial out of carpet, sprinkle with neat soda water, wipe with dry cloth. However don't know if it will work now it's supposed to be done immediately Betty,

l am in publishing prog. and trying to put photos on to cards birthday/ whatever, l have l lots of books, self taught. Can you help me find a easy way.
a smithers

Hi Annette, Marks on walls and cupboard doors etc should come off with just Spray 'N' Wipe, used on a sponge. You could also try a very small amount of washing up liquid on a sponge, if you don't want too much smell for pantry doors, and then rinse sponge and wipe over again. Don't use too much, as it takes ages to rinse out.

Hi Terry, If you are talking about deleting things from your 'Favourites' folder, than the easiest way I know, is this. RIGHT click on your mouse button, and select DELETE from the menu panel that comes up. When you click on that, another panel will come up asking if you're sure you want to delete it, and just click the 'OK.' It will then remove it to your recycle bin. If you find you have made a mistake, then you can put it back by clicking the RESTORE in your bin area. I don't know if Dave B was answering you on this, but I've never heard of that way. It seems quicker the other way. Hope this answers your question.
Terry, Right click (right mouse button) on the bookmark or folder you don't want, and choose delete. Dave

Hi Jim's how can I remove unwanted bookmarks from my favourite folder?

Click the start button in windows, then go to settings, then control panel. Open up the power options and you will see all the info for making your computer sleep, power up, etc.,
Dave B

Hi Jims,
I was wondering if you could help me what is the best way to remove oil and dirty marks of walls without scratching them?
Also what is the best way to remove oil and dirty marks of pantry and cupboard doors too.
Thanking you

Hi Barbara,
Your question about recoating your frypan with Teflon.
As far as I know, you could buy aerosols of Teflon to repair non-stick pans with. Local hardware shops should be able to help with this.
Hope you find some - let's know, on this site.

Teflon Coating can be done at Slipcoat in Morley Ph No 93751765 I Haven`t tried it yet but believe it is good

Please recommend where I can get the Teflon recoated on my frying pan.

Hi Jon, my daughter spilt her red cordial on my brand new white carpet (only two weeks old). Please help, what can I do to make the stain go away?
My daughter said she was sorry:)

Hi Don
How your computer turns itself on?
Have a look at your computer CMOS settings, there are some options about your computer power.
Changing the CMOS settings is not everyone's job. So please be careful.

Hi Jon,
Love your program.I have a question for any computer expert JIM to answer. When you save a web site to your favourites,they all come with their own icon.What has happened is that all the icons have disappeared and are replaced with the"e icon"as in Internet Explorer.My question is;how do I get the original icons back?.
All the best

Hi Jon,
I have another problem for JIM to solve for me.Every morning at 12.30 am,my computer turns itself on,stays on for 1/2 an hour and then goes into sleep mode.It doesn't come on to defrag the harddrive or anything of that nature.I f somebody could email me details on how to fix this problem,I would be very greatful.
All the best

Please help me find a copy of the 3 part serial called "Bangkok Hilton" starring Nicole Kidman. I would love to view it.. Mel

solution: Perhaps you could try Hope that helps Nursen =)

hey JL,
tried your ask the jim's site , nice touch , nursen had a question about NtN trivia countdown. here is the best website with all working links about it.
John the researcher

Nursen 13/7/2002
Dear JIMs, can anyone help me find an addrss for a website? About 2 years ago I once played a countdown trivia on the internet. I think it was called something. Jims can u help?

Thank You!