- Movie Reviews - Independent
- Make your independent review
- My name: Shane
- Movie: Braveheart
- Staring: Mel Gibson
- Age suited for: 16yrs and up
- www.jonlewislive.com rating: Very Good
- Viewed at: Movie Cinema
- Comment: I love it when William Wallace (Mel
Gibson) says before he enters the battle of Falkirk, "You can take
our lives but you cannot take our freedom!!!!" And when Wallace is
lying on the guillotine and is about to be beheaded, the look in
his eye and when the king says that all his body parts will be
sent to all the corners of Scotland, I sort of develop a rather
large lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, I dont know why, but
i do!!!
- Monday, July 15, 2002 at 11:22:02
- My name: Ralph
Movie: The Royal Tenenbaums
Staring: Star who should be ashamed
Age suited for: A Lobodomized ?
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Poor
Viewed at: DVD
Comment: I thought Mothman was Awful and this
of Disney Trash was worse.
Monday, July 8, 2002 at 13:05:56
My name: Ky
Movie: Men In Black 2
Staring: Will Smith & Tommy Lee
Age suited for: over 15
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Good
Viewed at: Carousel Shopping Centre
Comment: I wish I had not seen the trailer as all
the best bit were in it.
My name: Gary
- Movie: Men In Black 2
- Staring: Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith
- Age suited for: Any age!
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Good
Viewed at: Millenium Cinema
Comments: I have been looking forward to the
return of the Men In Black very much. The
- combination of Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith made
a good contrast and
dynamic comedy team in the original movie, which
tickled my love of
slapstick, horror and "thinking" comedy.. Men In
Black is a movie I've seen a
few times, such was the originality and excellence
of execution.
In MIB2, there is a new threat to save our fragile
little planet from. There
is a combination of a rehashing of situational
jokes from the original, and a
new set to go with the new threat to our
existence. While I found the
reference to established jokes perhaps too quick
at times, there is plenty of
twists to satiate the need for a Men In Black
It seemed as though the writers changed 1/2 way
through, as the story seemed
to improve once the obligatory references were
made.. This is a let down
after the first movie, which by neccessity was
very well crafted and allowed
the viewer to experience the story
The story is very fast moving, perhaps a little
shallow, but some of the
scenes had me laughing out loud. The end, once
again has a clever twist which
sends our assumption of understanding our
significance in a big picture back
into reality..
The obligatory musical interlude of Will Smith is
thankfully restricted to
the closing title, during which I was still
chuckling as I walked out of the
Millenium Cinema.
- Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 23:01:01
- My name: Shelly
- Movie: Princess Diaries
- Staring: Julie Andrews and Anne
- Age suited for: Any age!
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Good
- Viewed at: DVD rental
Comment: Okay, so don't go see this if you're
looking for an adult film. The preview audience I saw this with my
young niece and her friends who absolutely loved it! They laughed
out loud a lot, they were charmed with Mia's charm, they loved her
- It was cute, not very well acted but it had Julie
Andrews at her most glowing, beautiful best. She kept your focus
whenever she was on screen. Hector Elizondo was sweet and Mandy
Moore was the typical stereotypical evil cheerleader. Mia's best
friend is the outstanding young actress from "Welcome to the
It has all the presence of a Disney-touched film,
all the way down to momentously inspired water fountains and
twinkle lights going off simultaneously with a kiss.
Go see it for fun, for mindless laffs, for Julie
Andrews, not the acting.
Saturday, June 1, 2002 at 03:44:54
My name: Ryan
Movie: Resident Evil
Staring: Milla Jovovich
Age suited for: 18-45
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Very Good
Viewed at: Greater Union Innalloo
Comment: Very good thriller/horror. This movie was
underrated and is definately worth watching if you enjoy the
genre. Be prepared for a few frights.
Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 06:21:51
- My name: Susanne
- Movie: The Royal Tanenbaums
- Staring: Angelica Houston, Ben Stiller, Gyneth
- Age suited for: Adult
- www.jonlewislive.com rating: Very Good
- Viewed at: Dendy Cinema, Sydney
- Comment: It is off-your-face-humour, satirizing
relationships, money and society's values.
- Not for everyone, but if you're quirky, this is
good, VERY GOOD.
My name: phil
- Movie: Oceans 11
- Staring: George Clooney
- Age suited for: 18+
- www.jonlewislive.com rating: Very Good
- Viewed at: cinema
- My name: Aaron
- Movie: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the
- Staring: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden
- Age suited for: Everyone!
- www.jonlewislive.com rating: Excellent
- Viewed at: Greater Union Inaloo
- Comment: Great movie! Had a bit of everything -
action, romance and comedy. Much better than Episode 1.
- My name: Simon
- Movie: Gladiator
Staring: Russell Crowe
- Age suited for: most ages over 16
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Excellent
- Viewed at: on DVD
Comment: A very good story line.
- Enjoy your show Jon! :)
My name: Helen
- Movie: Showtime
Staring: Robert Denero & Eddie
- Age suited for: over 18
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Very Good
- Viewed at: Bunbury
Comment: A funny comedy, I liked it.
My name: Tim
- Movie: The Time Machine
Staring: Guy Pearce
- Age suited for: 15 to 35
www.jonlewislive.com rating: Very Good
- Viewed at: Warwick Cinemas
Comment: Some great action and excellent location
Make your independent review